dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2014

We don't use cosmetics

Hello everiyone!!

I am Kuiki, the best pet in the world. I'm a guinea pig and my hear is more long by some parts.
I'm 1 year old and I have luck.
I went to lived with Alicia and her family since 1 year ago.
I think that I have luck because my propietary is very responsable.
Alicia gives me food all days, and the food is fresh and varied, also she leads me to veterinarian to I won't disease.

 I Know that other guinea pig don't have the luck that I have.
Be a guinea pig is very difficult because the laboratories use us to cosmetics research.
We don't put lipstick, creams, makeup, etc. and the impact in our body is terrible.

Please, don't  use us!!
I don't like to see how
my congeners are abused.
I desire that this picture doesn't be real and i want that it desapear in the future. 

5 comentaris:

  1. i can't belibed that people use this littel and poor animal to try cosmetic, please save the rats!!!!

  2. Hello Kuiki!
    Run'm a domestic cat, lucky you to have a home and a great owner!
    As you say, your race is subjected to a short, hard life, I really am happy for you. Good luck and be happy!

  3. Good Morning Kuiki!!!
    You have lucky and that's is very important. I like that there are people as your family because they are carefull with you and they have your need.
    I agree with your comment that the other animals they haven't lucky, and i think that is very sad.


  4. Kuiky You've been very lucky to find a good family!
    give hope your friends will have a family one day as your!!

  5. Very interesting and emotive story! You're lucky to live with Alicia!

    Avaluation: 7
